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Antidisestablishmentarianism by Michael and Mary Findley
(Also available in an illustrated version, with over 200 full-page illustrations throughout the book.)
The Bible is a Book of Science
Secular Humanism is a Religion of Mythology
Antidisestablishmentarianism is a word you might have kidded your friends with in your school days. People once thought of it as the longest word in English, but that's probably all the thought you ever gave it. As the title of a book it's a little cumbersome, a little intimidating, except that it's absolutely essential to the discussion of Secular Humanism as America's Established religion and how we can disestablish it.
Follow the history of the founding of America and its degeneration into a secularist state. This secularism occurred in defiance of the greatest documentation in the world. The founding writings spelled out the dangers of Government-Church union. They also gave the simple preventive medicine for that historic poison. Christianity was the cure, and no, it wasn't a contradiction of the so-called "separation principle " that they supported biblical training and Christian conduct as essential to society's survival.
Follow the trail back to the beginning of man's writings, to the Tower of Babel, then forward, to see the hand in hand relationship between men who would be gods and priests who would support and share the quest for ultimate power. All the eras of history, all the continents of the world echo the same message. Man cloaks secularism, the worship of himself, in religion. He demands protection, financial support, and unlimited power for his religion called Secular Humanism. He demands death or disgrace for all who oppose him.
Secularists have hijacked words we once understood. Belief, faith, and trust are legal terms denoting tested and proven evidentiary facts. These words the secularists have redefined into mysticism and opinion, blindness and stupidity. Science is physical observation of the natural world. Secularists demand that Science belong only to them and encompasses presupposition, assumptions, and uniformitarianism or "deep time. " The Scriptures themselves prove their scientific nature and worth. More than a score of scientific facts prove that deep time is impossible. Over and over theories of pseudo-science have risen and fallen, refuted by true scientists.
Secular Humanism has permeated government, the church and individuals in ways few fully realize or understand. People must understand it, and stop the progress before belief and freedom are things of the past in America. The Scriptures give many answers and we must heed them.
The book includes multiple appendices and an exhaustive bibliography detailing the hundreds of sources researched to create this work. Founding documents, court cases, testimony from ancient Greece, India, Meso-America, Africa, and the works of respected scientists and historians all speak with one voice. Secularism, man's reason, and the marriage of government and church are deadly to man's survival.
We believe this book is a necessary complement to the works of many conservative and faithful writers on the subject of why America is in such a decline, such a dangerous position to lose everything that matters.
from Chapter 14 What Does the Scientific Evidence Prove?
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
Samuel Johnson
Christians, unfortunately, believe that science is an enemy. There is good reason, since most who use the word "science" have completely abandoned Johnson's demand that integrity go hand in hand with knowledge, replacing truth with selective evidence which supports preconceived conclusions. Christians should not develop either an antagonism toward true science or ignore the very real contributions of true science. Neither should true scientists ignore the very real foundation of science in Christianity. Dennis Prager, anthropologist and historian, laments the unthinking reliance on pseudo-science in today's society.
"In much of the West, the well-educated have been taught to believe they can know nothing and they can draw no independent conclusions about truth, unless they cite a study and 'experts' have affirmed it. 'Studies show' is to the modern secular college graduate what 'Scripture says' is to the religious fundamentalist."
In everyday life, probably the greatest area of conflict between Christianity and those who misuse the word science is moral relativism. This came about because of the dishonest use of the word relativity. The theories of relativity (special and general) neither support nor have any reference to moral relativism. The similarity in the sound of the words is simply a propaganda technique. Neither do the moral absolutes of the Word of God belittle true science. However, since the established religion of Secular Humanism teaches just the opposite, the following list of scientific facts can help us understand that true science can only be explained by the world as described in the Bible.
The Space Empire Saga by Michael J. Findley
Persecution of believers in Christ is already happening. Many of the details of "City on a Hill " are not Science Fiction but current events. One day soon the only refuge for the faithful may be Space. Follow the founding of the once-godly Space Empire through its degeneration in "Sojourner," where a desperate couple fight loneliness and equipment malfunction to pioneer piloting a gas-collecting balloon ship to the outer planets. Their "rebellion " against the corrupt government opens the outer reaches of the Solar System to exploration. In "Humiliation," Michael, crown prince of the Space Empire, finds that he is not alone in his quest to build an advanced deep-space battle-ready vessel.
Mysterious ships bearing scarlet crosses pursue his convoy and expose conspiracies against the Space Empire from within and without. Michael's adoptive brother Randolph follows him to exile on Earth and a summer of biblical teaching at Jonathan Edwards' camp meetings. Forbidden romance leads to tragedy, political turmoil, and a meeting with representatives of Earth's mysterious Fourth Empire. In "Repentance," Michael reconciles with his father but must find a way to save the Palace, Randolph, and the earth woman Aidan from the attacks of the Church and Earth's hopelessly corrupt system. In "Sanctification," treachery closes in on all sides. Michael makes shattering decisions that may save or destroy the Space Empire's last hope for the future.
from "City on A Hill"
More than a dozen men worked on the 50,000-kilo shuttle in the lower shuttle bay. The main bay was almost undamaged, but the batteries had been stripped or jumped, causing extensive electrical damage. All of the smaller shuttles were operational, but the largest shuttle, since it had the most powerful electrical system, had been cannibalized the most.
"If we can get this shuttle up and running," said Jon Newton, "we'll be ready to start shipping when the last of the products are packaged. You sure your ladies' aid society can get those vegetables packaged in time?"
"I have complete faith in them," said John Winthrop. "They'll be ready when we are. Just one more -- "
Winthrop collapsed, scattering tools. Several men ran over to him.
"Get the doctor!" shouted Mike, the first man to reach him.
The Baron of Larcondale by Mary C. Findley
Tristan of Parangor fights his crown prince brother's ignorance and godlessness until he is swept a hundred miles downriver and a world away from his royal life to the tiny town of Larcondale. Forced to make a living and wait for the Lord's time to return home, Tristan becomes a farrier, teacher, and encourager to the town's minister and all its people.
Idolatry and occult forces make Tristan's struggles heavier but he finds friendship and budding love as he works and waits. A seemingly insurmountable tragedy presents Tristan with an opportunity to increase his power to do good. Day by day he struggles to learn the lessons God has to prepare him for the moment when the past and present collide and Tristan must return to his kingdom. He has no idea that he will face old enemies and find unexpected friends.
Psalm 33:16
There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength.
"Do not continue to oppose me, prince," Shneea warned. "This man you have loved since childhood will die here, and he will only be the first."
"I have no choice but to oppose you," Tristan said. "You feed off innocent men's flesh."
"You will submit," Shneea said. "You and I shall wed, or I will destroy you without touching your body. Prince Tristan will cease to exist."
"How can you do such a thing?" Tristan was baffled.
"Do not tempt me to show you," Shneea said. "Marry me, handsome prince."
"It's impossible," Tristan gritted. "You have a husband, and I have a wife."
"My husband will be dead almost any moment," Shneea laughed. "But you have got yourself a wife, have you? The marriage will be annulled."
"I have no desire to be rid of my wife, nor to wed you."
Benny and the Bank Robber by Mary C. Findley
Benny Richardson's widowed mother decides to move to Missouri to live on Uncle Tom's farm but Benny rebels on the journey away from his beloved life in the city and the influence of the university community where his father taught. When John Clancy crosses their path and saves them from a sinking barge Benny's mother is seriously injured. She begs Clancy to get Benny to Missouri while she stays